bikendan wrote:
DutchmenSport wrote:
It's just the nature of the industry. It is, what it is.
Yep, comparing the RV industry, to the Auto industry, is pretty much useless.
The only things tney have in common are:
They both sell things with wheels, at dealerships.
Other than that, they don't have much in common.
The Auto industry used to be just like the RV industry, until they got competition from foreign auto companies, especially from Japan.
If that hadn't happened, the American auto industry probably wouldn't have improved as it has.
And I seriously doubt such a challenge will ever happen to the RV industry.
Wow bikendan!
Are you a mind reader or something! You expressed EXACTLY what I was implying. I was just trying to be a little more evasive. You nailed my thoughts 100% RIGHT on the head! Wow!