Aug-21-2013 09:27 AM
Sep-02-2013 02:27 PM
K3WE wrote:
Do not block pumps while you shop.
Do not block the left lane when the right one is wide open.
Do not take 10 miles to pass someone with a 0.1 MPH speed differential.
Do not block the whole asile at the grocery store.
Do not block the asile on the airplane to take minutes gathering your stuff when folks are getting off.
Do not stop in front of the door/crosswalk at the store to pick up your wife or groceries.
Sep-02-2013 01:57 PM
skipro3 wrote:
I think an ice pick to a couple of the tires to the morons would do the trick for me. At least now they have an excuse to be sitting around with their thumb up their buts.
Aug-25-2013 07:00 PM
Aug-25-2013 06:29 PM
wintersun wrote:
I have more of a problem with the people that come in from the opposite direction and part grill to grill with me. I have to wait until they are done pumping gas to get out of the way for the next person to use the pump I have finished using. I have sat for 10 minutes waiting for some gal to take care of business and get done and move her car.
Aug-25-2013 06:05 PM
Aug-25-2013 01:00 PM
jwmII wrote:
This has an easy fix. You have 2 choices,1 wait your turn or 2 go elsewhere. While on the subject How about establishing a thread for the moaners and groaners and their mindless rants.
Aug-25-2013 12:55 PM
Aug-25-2013 11:58 AM
Aug-25-2013 09:16 AM
noe-place wrote:
I only use my credit card for fueling the MH. While I'm doing so everyone makes a potty/food/drink trip. If the tank tops off and they're not back I just drive to a spot out of the way. No biggie.
Aug-25-2013 09:12 AM
ol Bombero-JC wrote:legolas wrote:
I try to get into Pilots, Flying J's etc:B when travelling long distance. Most of these places also sell food, snacks, t-shirts pet peeve is the bozos who leave their vehicle at the pump after fueling so they can get coffee, go to the bathroom etc. I've had it happen everywhere from DC to to Arizona. Also, I wonder why the folks running the place don't post signs and make occasional announcements on the PA system. Just goes to show you can't fix stupid.
You deserve an A+ in *Rants 101*.:C
By the time you graduate to "Senior" you will be a "Rant Pro"!!
BTW - When you encounter a HOG at the pumps, kick his scoot over and hope he's not an Outlaw Biker, ROTFL :B
Aug-23-2013 03:59 PM
legolas wrote:
I try to get into Pilots, Flying J's etc:B when travelling long distance. Most of these places also sell food, snacks, t-shirts pet peeve is the bozos who leave their vehicle at the pump after fueling so they can get coffee, go to the bathroom etc. I've had it happen everywhere from DC to to Arizona. Also, I wonder why the folks running the place don't post signs and make occasional announcements on the PA system. Just goes to show you can't fix stupid.
Aug-23-2013 12:51 PM
Aug-23-2013 07:53 AM
noe-place wrote:
I only use my credit card for fueling the MH. While I'm doing so everyone makes a potty/food/drink trip. If the tank tops off and they're not back I just drive to a spot out of the way. No biggie.
Aug-23-2013 07:49 AM