cardtarget wrote:
Hi all, I have a 30x34 concrete pad where I plan on putting a large garage that will double as RV storage. I've done a lot of research and I'm leaning toward a "P-Model" metal building for both price and longevity.
Something like this:

The sidewalls of this unit are only 12 feet. The roof peak is 16 feet. My RV door will be on the side of the garage. I'm sure this will be enough space to store the RV, but I don't know if it's enough to be able to work on it. Current RV has a clearance of about 10'8", but I know I should plan for the future as well.
Any thoughts on how high the sidewall should be? I was thinking that a two foot wall along each side would be plenty of height (14 feet tapering up to 18?).
Thanks in advance!
Something to remember. The walls will be 12 feet BEFORE they start to turn toward the peak. Meaning at the top of the turn in your case, it will be at least 14' high. So Even if later you manage to get a 13' high trailer, You will still have room to crawl around on top. At this time you will have almost 6 feet to walk around on the TT roof. IMOP. You have plenty of height inside the building