I would not buy my 760LMT again. I have not used the camera. I have had way too many screw ups over the last couple years. Locked up in downtown Phoenix. This issue is supposed to be solved by an update to firmware/software. It hasn't locked up since. But it will still get stuck saying "traffic moving freely" to the point of absurdity.
But the worst is the occasional bad directions. No unpaved roads selected but continues to navigate me to unpaved roads (three occasions last month). Including directions to "turn onto the unpaved road." And even though the 8'3 width and 25' length is inputted, has directed me onto roads that resemble Jeep trail. More than once has told me to turn onto road I'm already traveling on.
Other than my basic disgust for littering it would have been tossed out the window in a grumpy moment!
I simply do not feel I can trust the RV features at all (especially if I were relying on it for tunnel clearance). So I basically back up the Garmin with ordinary maps, or google navigation. Yes the RV business database has been useful. But in general wish I had just decided to toss in my smaller Garmin I carry in my truck. As long as it continues to function, I'll carry it in the RV-always available for more mediocre usefulness.
I'd give it 2 (out of 5) stars.