It has never dawned on me that I should be upset if I pull up to a gas station and someone is using an island that could also be used for diesel, thereby causing me to wait.
I pull up, scout to see which island I can access and get in line just like everyone else does. Then I wait my turn. If someone intentionally cuts me off, I suppose I might say something to them, but probably not. I can't see where it's worth the hassle. Some people are just too nutty to confront and to discover who after the fact is just too late.
My pet peeve is when someone doesn't move their car after filling up if they need to go inside to do other business. Not just get their change, but shopping or using the can. I'd never leave my rig unattended at a gas pump. Too many tweekers likely to steal something out of it I would think.
Another pet peeve is that the windshield squeegies and fluids never seem to be clean. Sometimes I like to wipe off the whole window while the tank is filling and the wash fluid is not present or is just nasty.
And finally, the air hose is usually some place that isn't accessible for a trailer to utilize. They should be at the islands even though that might slow up the que line for the pumps.