jplante4 wrote:
In order to detect a temp difference, propane must be flowing.
True if outdoor temps are falling matching the evaporative temp of the liquid propane. Physics 101 dictates a liquid boiling into its gaseous state will chill the liquid, its how refridgerators work.
Propane boiling into its gaseous state will chill the liquid as low as - 44.3 F, propanes boiling point. Want to know how I know? I have poured propane into a bucket at - 53 f. it sat there like steamy water. Longlac, On. Jan.
always, with the hot water test poured down the bottle, the metal will warm to the liquid level. Remain cold below the liquid level. Aslide down the bottle finger test will feel the temp. differential to show the liquid level.
In hot weather, use iced water. reversed temps. j