This is not the parallel capable version, so if you care about that, just a warning. It's a bit heavier than the recoil start version because of the battery and starter. I got one (of the lighter and parallel capable versions) for a similar price from Costco this spring. I just finished breaking it in. It isn't quite as quiet as a 2000 Honda, but it's reasonably quiet, has a 30A RV socket as well as a 20A GFCI duplex socket, and a 12V power socket, is easy to use, and isn't too bad to move around for the size. It does have kind of a small fuel tank, but that's ok with me. I don't plan to run it more than an hour or two at a time.
It does a nice job of starting my AC system even in Eco mode, and I don't have to worry about powering everything else down in the trailer when trying to charge batteries.