RGar974417 wrote:
Where do these people think electric comes from?Either fossil fuels, hydro electric or nuclear all which liberals despise.There is no way they will be bale to generate enough electricity from renewable sources by then. And what about over loading the electrical grid? Right now in the US our electric grid during really warm summers are in danger of collapsing.Now add hundreds of thousands of car chargers? These people are delerious.
Depending on the country I suppose. Some European countries as well as Canada produce significant amounts of energy from renewable sources. It depends on the district, province, region or state where you live. Some provinces produce more than 95 percent of their power from hydro alone. Norway is another example. The idea is to improve air quality in cities which I think is a good plan.
I don't know much about the US grid but to give an idea of what impact electric vehicles will have on a grid, the BC hydro website has some interesting info. On a provincial level if every personal passenger vehicle in BC were to be replaced by an electric vehicle the grid load would increase by 19 percent. The current extra capacity is 30 percent and growing. The average household with an Electric Vehicle uses the equivalent of an electric water heater on an annualized basis. As well most charging is done at night when power companies have excess capacity.
We are an all EV household. When we bought our town house we changed all the light bulbs to LED's, new thermostat, new fridge etc. looking at the previous owners bills and ours there has been very little if any monthly increase. Having said that we only do about 15000 Km per year between the two cars although we are closer to 18000 km this year.
Re the motorhome chassis. The Tesla X is the TESLA SUV. I would think that platform could be a possibility for a small class C. Maybe an integrated 12 KW diesel APU. Mercedes has a bunch of heavier platform E-vehicles coming to market this year. Possibly adaptable. I would think there would be a market. A low maintenance electric B class would be nice.
Interesting times.