We're from the St. Pete area but are out west right now. We're northerner transplants and none of us have ever gone through a hurricane.
Our 3 kids are all in the Tampa/St. Pete area and hunkering down because their jobs don't allow them the ability to go now. I wish the gov'n would just order evac. It's much easier to tell the boss "gotta go" when the gov'n says "you gotta go".
I've got a generator at my house and have instructed them how to get it running to get basic needs of power and hot water if needed. They're all stocked up on water and food supplies, etc. We have told them that if needed we could be back in a couple of days to assist with anything.
My hope now (and sorry to say this to anyone living on the east coast of Florida) is that the storm pushes east of the state a bit to lessen the impact on the gulf side of things. The storm being around 400 miles wide is still going to affect the entire state that is only 150.