We have a street legal Star LSV. Licensed, insured and inspected. The only way I would buy one. My research at the time found that a golf cart can't go faster than 20 mph, an LSV (low speed vehicle)must do 20-25 mph and are then classified under federal law as a passenger vehicle. The standard requires low-speed vehicles to be equipped with headlamps, stop lamps, turn signal lamps, taillamps, reflex reflectors, parking brakes, rearview mirrors, windshields, seat belts, and 17 digit vehicle identification numbers. A serial number is not a vin #. Even so, often we have problems because even though ours meets all requirements, it "looks like a golf cart". "We do not allow golf carts, sir!". That's why I have a letter from the Corp of Engineers and the Texas Parks and Wildlife that allows me to drive on their property. Some states also have laws concerning NEV's (neighborhood electric vehicles), which are basically just souped up LSV's.