would love gas but most cgs are electric only. so electric we bought :)
we don't use it as a hobby. it is a helpmate for us. takes hubby to the beach entrance if far away with his fishing gear. if our site is far from pool, we drive kiddo there. quick trip to ranger shack for ice if needed. quick jaunt to drop off garbage. that kind of thing.
in fact last time we brought it with us we used it once and rest it sat. we rode our bikes. We use it when it is convenience we need or if we are flat our tired from our day etc.
I love our toyhauler. You can bring all the things you want and just enjoy them as wanted.
TONS of carts in cgs drive me nuts. like Ocean Lakes in SC. insanity. but we don't do those types of cgs anymore. state parks etc. and almost no one brings them. few do like us but again, most aren't used like for 'cruising' or that type of situation.