Dec 27, 2013Explorer
Had a TIA
Had a TIA a couple of weeks ago a little spooky. Doctor is changing meds around. I have decided to go ahead with plans to go camping this weekend. We go ever year for the new year. Just plan to take it easy.
dixie029 wrote:
My husband had a widow maker heart attack 2 years ago & we just purchased a new motor home. My question is if you have no cell or wifi service how would you contact someone? We are planning a trip that will take us to some areas that I have been told have no service so I am really concerned. Also there will be someone that had a heart transplant 2 years ago. Is there any type of service I could add that would give me constant service? Thanks.
emzee wrote:
Wow chock, your mom sounds like a bundle of energy. Reading all that she does made me a bit tired!!!
rkentzel wrote:
Face went numb for about twenty minutes and I just felt sick for the rest of the day. Doing good now Doc has me taking 81 mg aspirin twice a day. I have hemochromatosis which has not helped and DB II, sleep apnea chronic back and neck pain. My back went out just after the TIA and I could barley walk left leg was affected then it gets you to thinking is it connected. That was five days of hell but that has cleared to. Yes wife is watching over me sometimes to much.
Chock Full o' Nuts wrote:
My 79yo mother has had 2 TIAs this year. The only residual effects that she/we have noticed is difficulty recalling words at times and some loss of function in her right arm. It has not stopped her from camping or playing her hammered dulcimer or driving 400 miles to see us. She has admitted that she's slowing down and she starting to find camping more difficult than before--it takes her 1-2 days now to get ready and it takes her all day to hitch up and drive there or drive home. But she still tows her own little camper and packs her Border Collie along with her.
rkentzel wrote:
Had a TIA a couple of weeks ago a little spooky. Doctor is changing meds around. I have decided to go ahead with plans to go camping this weekend. We go ever year for the new year. Just plan to take it easy.