crosscountry wrote:
So I'm looking for a water softener which supposedly removes the ability of the minerals to stick to everything...not that it removes the minerals, if that were possible a filter would do it.
Hard water contains calcium carbonate which is not very soluble in water. That's why it forms scale in your water system. You could, in theory, add a chemical like phosphate or citric acid that binds to and solubilizes the calcium. That's how most laundry detergents deal with hard water. No one uses that method for a water supply because both chemicals
promote the growth of microorganisms.
crosscountry wrote:
I see they sell electronic hard water treatment that state they will over time get rid of existing lime build-up sounds interesting. Any one try that method?
This is a ripoff - there is no "magic" way to soften water.
The only practical way to soften water is to remove the calcium using an ion exchange resin that replaces calcium with sodium - that is how home water softeners work. I have seen ads for inline water softeners for RV's that use that principle. They can be much smaller than a home water softener because they don't have to deal with the large volumes of water used in a home. Eventually these will be exhausted and need to be replaced or recharged the same way home water softeners are.