I took some measurements of the combination.
Not weighed yet, my lady towed it a couple miles to a really flat slab. The TT is above dry weight (battery and one of the two propane tanks filled) with all tanks empty and minimum contents inside.
Measuring to the wheel well lips at axle centerline on the tow vehicle:
Front no trailer 35.25, trailer connected 35.75; Front axle lifts 1/2 inch.
Rear no trailer 37.5, trailer connected 36.25; Rear axle drops 1-1/4 inch.
With a 2" ball drop, the trailer sits less than 1/4 inch high in the front. So it is basically level.
Ball height with trailer connected is 17.25.
The tongue jack has 8 inches clearance to the ground.
The top of the trailer frame is 17.5, the bottom is 13.5 (4" frame).
With a 10+ mph gusty crosswind, my lady could feel the trailer, there was no drama, but she felt it could be more comfortable/less "work."
So, I expect fully loaded that the numbers will move a bit more, but the basic geometry looks good.
The bottom of the trailer frame at 13.5 inches is pushing me towards a trunnion style WDH instead of round bars and chains. Less stuff hanging down so close to the ground.