Horizon170 wrote:
When parking help arrives, I politely tell them to stay the hell out of my way.
If one, in my opinion, can't park his own RV, he shouldn't be driving it.
Where as I welcome help if someone offers even though I do not need it.. Most of the time.. 25 dollars in damage recently (i'll fix it tomorrow) to my bicycle. ZERO to the Motorhome.
Been an expensive month. but mostly routine maintenance not damage
New tires (2200 and change) New inverter (just about 1000 by the time I'm finished (tomorrow, the last or next to last part of this job is in a box by my feet. I plug it in tomorrow and route cable)
Oil change.
And one tired driver (The new tires were 4 weeks ago. but the rest was today)... The Tire job went well. They only dropped the RV one time....
Seriously.. they dropped it. Only damage was to my jack (Knocked the grab handle I never use off it) and to their parking lot (a base of my jack size hole). Now there is a reason the jack rests on a 2x12x12 plank.. Now they understand.