Forum Discussion

Baja_Man's avatar
Dec 26, 2017

Help with CAT Scale weights - NEW Hitch and NEW Weights

Hello all--

Previous post had first hitch and first weights.

Today I have NEW weights.

I'm back with a new hitch installed!

NEW Hitch has been set up following the Equal-i-zer directions.
Hitch is a 1400/14000 model with a 13" rise shank.

Trailer is now LEVEL!!!!

5 washers were used and the L bracket mounted on trailer (where bars attach) is set leaving two visible holes on top (see pic).

Drove it approx. 25 miles to CAT scale. Drove great!

Here are NEW weights:

Weight #1 (Truck and trailer WITH WD engaged):

Front axle: 3400#
Rear axle: 4680#
Trailer axle: 8140#
Total: 16220#

Weight #2 (Truck and trailer WD NOT engaged):

Front axle: 3220#
Rear axle: 4980#
Trailer axle: 8040
Total: 16240#

Weight #3 (truck only with new camper shell and 40# in bed):

Front axle: 3700#
Rear axle: 3280#
Total: 6980# this better than where I was the first weigh in and previous hitch?
Are further fine tuning adjustments needed? If so, what exactly?


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First Thread from 11-21-17:
After discussing in a previous thread about my Equalizer hitch 1200/12000 model and if is appropriate for my truck / trailer, I believe it would best to get real CAT weights.

Below are my CAT scale weights today. The weights / procedures were
found here on RVnet as recommended for finding trailer tongue weight, trailer weight, WD weights, tow vehicle weight, etc

Tow vehicle - (with one 285# occupant):
FULL fuel tank
Approx. 100# in bed

Trailer -

Ready to travel...
FULL propane
FULL water
Full gear in forward storage (table, chairs, BBQ, etc)
Clothes, dishes, pots/pans, books, linen, tools, etc.

Weight #1 - (trailer connected to tow vehicle and WD hitch hooked up) front TV axle on scale 1, rear TV axle on scale 2, and trailer axles on scale 3

Axle 1 (TV front axle): 3360#
Axle 2 (TV vehicle rear axle): 4680#
Trailer axles: 8120#
Total axles: 16,160#

Weight #2 - Same set up as above except WD hitch NOT hooked up and WD trunion bars placed in back up pick up bed

Axle 1: 3240#
Axle 2: 4840#
Trailer axle: 8060#
Total axles: 16,140#

Weight #3 - Truck ONLY (all above apply...occupant, fuel, bed weight)

Steer axle: 3740#
Drive axle: 3160#
Total axles: 6900#

So, please help me understand what all of these numbers mean!

I would like to know the following so I can proceed with purchasing the correct WD hitch and truck receiver hitch.

My current Equalizer hitch is a 1200#/12000#
My trucks receiver is factory WD 1250#/12500#

1. Trailer tongue weight (so I can purchase correct WD hitch and truck receiver hitch

2. Trailer weight
