Forum Discussion

EnochLight's avatar
Jun 01, 2014

Hi Run tire steel belt damage (Hi Run ST175/80D13) question


I have barely 2000 miles total on my 2013 Travel Trailer (16 foot) which I bought new a little over a year ago. This week I noticed it was leaning in my driveway. Removed my tire cover and discovered I had a flat (we just returned from a weekend camping trip a couple of weeks ago that added about ~600 miles).

I removed the tire today and this is what I found. I'm not sure if I hit something or if this is a tire defect (for such a new tire). I'm pretty sure my tire pressure was OK - I checked it personally. Is there anything that would cause something like this assuming I didn't hit something? Not just the steel belt radial tearing, but the side wall splitting and the uneven tread wear?
