You'll definitely have to pair down on your hobbies. Pick the ones you indulge in the most and then limit it to two or three. I suggest thinking outside of the box so to speak and find ways for your stuff to do double duty. If you're into writing, your laptop will do fine with a mini-printer. You'll probably also use the laptop for navigation, cg research, emails, paying bills, etc. Double duty.
We have our hobbies down to four in a 28' motorhome. One hobby serves to both feed us and gives us a social outlet: dutch oven cooking (a good example of a double duty hobby). It takes up only a quarter of the space under the seat of the dinette.
We also like to do astronomy. We don't carry the telescope with us everywhere however. Only when we go on special astronomy trips. Otherwise it stays home.
Wife's knitting and crochet is in a plastic file box under the bed. Her drawing supplies are in a small plastic box that fits in the top cabinet under her sewing kit.
Our fishing gear is in the basement storage with the rods situated up on the basement wall with hooks. We share the fishing tackle and keep it in one small box.
Don't forget the space under your bed either. Then there's all those ceiling cabinets that never seem to be put to full use. You'll get very good at creating boxes with the essentials for each hobby that can fit into the odd spaces. It might take a couple of trips but you'll soon figure out what hobbies you like the best while on the road.
BTW, wife says don't bother with the quilting unless you go to quilting workshops. Quilts get dirty at campgrounds when you try to work on them outside. Herself has spoken.:)