bukhrn wrote:
lakeside013104 wrote:
I can't say why in your case, my why is because I really don't want to be at home in the first place. :(
from above statement.
Sorry to hear that. I enjoy being around home. I can stay busy 12 hours every day. Always something to do outdoors or indoors on foul weather days.
Cut, split, & stack 10 to 12 cords of firewood, gardens to tend, canning to do in season, lawns to mow, fishing, camping, atving, hunting, snow sledding, working with the tractor and shooting to do, maintenance on equipment, construction of decks and utility buildings, and always maintenance on the home, apartment, and garages.
For indoor work, there is reloading ammunition, tying flies, cleaning inside of camper, help with the cooking and housework, reading, watching a favorite movie, talking to friends on electronic devices and so much else to do.
I am never bored. I start my day planning to do one thing, when I notice something else that needs to be done. Always busy and love every minute of being around home. I do not need to be entertained for I can keep myself busy.
If you don't enjoy being around your home, there probably are other issues that you are dealing with. Best of luck and I hope things get better in your life.
Oh, I've got plenty of things I could do around home, but I'd rather be out with the RV somewhere than doing any of them here.bukhrn, you are correct. Always good to be out in the RV, especially if that outing is in the north woods of Maine where the waters close by and the wildlife can be enjoyed.
I never have to 'have' a reason to go camping. I wake up in the morning and the weather is fine and the forecast is good for several days, pack the grub and the fishpole in the TC and take off camping for a few days or a week. All good, but priorities in my life dictat that work must be done around my home so that my family will be kept warm and fed during the cold winter months.
All in perspective of what your ultimate goals are chosen to be. I had hoped to go camping this weekend, but due to the 12" of heavy wet snow in the forecast, I will reschedule my visit with Mother Nature for a short time.
Best of everything to you and yours and be safe.