I am going to end this conversation here.
I am sorry that some of you feel that I am stirring the pot so to say. I thought that since the topic had been mentioned before about safety camping or in general, I could address my fears with mature, non judgemental people.
I am sorry that I have been influenced by the media, movies, newspapers etc. I was even more concerned when I heard how many of you carry guns while camping.
I always thought the way to educate yourself about things, other countries, people and customs was to ask. I asked a simple question. You carry the guns, I thought you could answer my questions.
I thank those who have not judged me and have given me honest answers. I have been honest with you about my feelings and I have not bashed or been disrespectful to anyone. If you were offended by my question, I am sorry you feel that way.
If I have learned something it is that I now know better than to ask a question directly to the people involved, to get the answer from the horses mouth.