NYCgrrl wrote:
Key West was supposed to take a massive hit and surprise, surprise it did. Now precious resources are spent rescuing the 1/5 of it's residents (10,000 people) who decided that a mandatory evacuation meant everyone but them. I hope they are presented with a bill for their pig-headed blind to anyone's needs but their own obstructionism.
I won't disagree that there weren't a few bull-headed folks who simply refused to evacuate. But for so many, the question became: evacuate where? A friend from the Cocoa area evacuated, and drove north until she found an available hotel room. She and her husband left on Wednesday, far ahead of the "leave-by" date. They ended up just south of Atlanta. So for all the people who had jobs that couldn't leave early; or realized too late that they were in the hurricane's path - they were safer sheltering in place, than being caught in the open, in their cars, with no food, water or fuel. When you're in FL - there's only one way out: north.