Eric&Lisa wrote:
And pulling a permit?? Are you kidding me? To put in a Y-fitting, a few feet of pipe, some couplers, and a screw down plug? Just do it and be done. The 'poop gods' (as they are known in my county) only care about adding capacity (more toilets) to an existing system. An RV has temporary capacity that is typically only used when the home systems are not being used. Therefore it is a zero sum game. No additional materials are going in the system that wouldn't be provided should you have stayed at home instead.
I would add to this that you and I are generally of the same mindset when it comes to getting a permit for something like this. Quite frankly, I would find it hard to believe that any plumber worth his salt has the time of day to get involved with a project of this nature. Nonetheless, I've been in places where even the site of a service truck in a driveway is like a beacon to the local building department. Plus, you got nosey neighbors that stroll by and see a shovel in the dirt, and that's enough for them to call the building department or HOA.
Way out in the woods, maybe skip the permit. In a place where letting the grass grow a quarter inch too much causes a ruckus...maybe at least call the building department. Information is free...