Forum Discussion

SDcampowneroper's avatar
Feb 26, 2021

mass elec. storage 'battery' rethink the term application.

In definition Battery is stored energy, as in an artillery unit. That thought has been lost as today it is thought of only in the chemically reservation of electric power in units, credible to rvs and small unit chemically storage systems.
Where alternative power units like solar and wind could store their peak generation for peak usage times via 'battery' is not the mechanical but the physical.
A lake with water storage behind hydroelectric generators is a battery,
An underground salt cavern pressurized with compressed air is a battery
fluids heated, like salt or oil in daytime heating , release that energy at night, stored energy, a battery. Wind and solar will have to store that energy, pumping water back up into the lake, pressirizing the caverns, heating the oil and salt to store the energy for the nighttime demand to recharge fleets
Battery is a unit of energy storage , in projected electric mass transportation will require recharge primarily at night, when the sun dont shine and the wind dont blow.
The energy to provide for that will require sacrifice. changed downstream river flows, impacts of wind farms that pump water back up into the lake. increased solar heat reflectiion vs absorbed heat into the land, leading to higher daytime temps, cooler nights. disturbed air patterns.
Behind every well intentioned action there comes a reaction.