Forum Discussion

bowler1's avatar
Jul 06, 2016

More Questions on Backing Up with Trailer???

A couple of quick questions on backing up. I know there is a lot out there on backing up but my questions might be a little different. I am fairly proficient at backing up and maneuvering my trailer, but two things still get me. I have a 29 foot travel trailer for what it's worth....

1. Backing up in a straight line. I always have trouble doing this. It would seem that this would be easy but I always drift to one side or the other...often without realizing it. When backing up straight I try to pull far enough forward to get the trailer in line with the tow vehicle. But then I have pulled so far forward that I have a long way to back up which is when I start to drift even when keeping the wheels straight.

I look out the back window over my shoulder and try to ensure that the truck is in line with the trailer, but this doesn't seem to work well enough. I guess maybe I should use the side mirrors when doing this? Or would looking straight forward and ensuring the tow vehicle is going back in a straight line a good technique?

Any advice or tips?

2. When to initiate a turn. The other problem I have is that I still have not figured out how far forward to pull the trailer in relation to a camp site before starting to back up. I can maneuver the trailer well, but seems that I always start the turn too far forward or back. This results in the trailer being off center in the site. I am still trying trial and error but have not gotten it right consistently.

I also find that that whether the turn is 45 degrees or 90 degrees seems to make a difference as well.

When backing into a site (for consistency mostly) I start backing up with the steering wheel jacked all the way in the direction I want to turn and then start to "chase the trailer" once the angle is about right. Maybe jacking it all the way is not always best...???

thanks for your help
