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New proposed Gas tax

Be advised, Senator Corker from Tennessee, and Senator Chris Murphy from Connecticut have proposed a new gas tax that will bring prices up 12 cents per gallon on gas and 24 cents on diesel fuel. I'm not sure what others will do about this but I for one will not travel to Tennessee or Connecticut for certain. I expect this kind of attack on the middle Class from Murphy, but not from a Republican who supposedly wants to lower the burden of taxes on the Middle Class. If this goes through, we should turn Tennessee and Connecticut into RV ghost towns.

Not positive but I believe the SS trust fund was raided years ago by the Federal government and was replaced with IOU's(Government Bonds).

Just a couple of additional notes, first I'd like to say it amazes me how a great deal of our citizens have no ability to apply critical thinking to our political system their opinions are formed by bumper stickers and Fox News. Second I don't plan on traveling in the southern states, there is way to many guns and way to much god.
2014 GD Reflection 303RLS
2001 Silverado 3500, 6.0L/4L80e

Some of you would make our founding Fathers puke!
This member is not responsible for opinions that are inaccurate due to faulty information provided by the original poster. Use them at your own discretion.

09 SuperDuty Crew Cab 6.8L/4.10(The Black Pearl)
06 Keystone Hornet 29 RLS/(The Cracker Cabana)

John & Angela wrote:
Well you gotta figure something is going to raise the price of fuel as it hasnt gone up in 6 or 7 years.

Travelling around europe the last 5 weeks has been enlightening. Average price has been around 1.61 € per litre. Somewhere around 9 bucks a gallon. Little cheaper here in spain at sround 1.41. Still a pretty good deal in the Americas. What rules here is public transport. Way fun watching the countryside fly by at 320 Kmh in a train. And fairly cheap.

Must be nice to get to go to Europe. And it would be even nicer if we had public transportation in the United States besides the big cities. I would love to be able to walk out to the end of my driveway here in SE Kansas where I live 3 miles from town and catch a bus to town!!!

Stefonius wrote:
Federal fuel taxes haven't gone up in over 20 years. I'd say we're overdue. How else do you expect to pay for all of the roads, bridges and tunnels that we take for granted in the USA? Some people will complain about ANYTHING.

See my other comment about how we send billions to countries that hate us, not to mention all the fraud going in with Medicare, Medicaid and every other government entity in Washington. Maybe if they would clean up the fraud and quit giving our money away, we would have enough to apy for our roads and bridges. I can't believe anyone would be in favor of yet another tax on the American people, no matter what kind of tax it is. We're already being taxed to death.

rhagfo wrote:
Is this a state tax or Federal tax??
Why 12 cents on Gas and 24 cents on diesel, yea big rigs cause more damage to roads, but most only get 5 mpg!!
I think it is time to get the hybrids to pay their far share. Time to get rid of the per gallon tax and go to a by the mile tax!

Why do we need ANY new taxes. That is all Congress does is sit up there and try to figure out new ways to tax us to pay for all the money they waste. If they didn't send billions overseas, we could afford to fix our highways and bridges without raising the fuel tax. It will sure curtail our traveling if they do this.

Just wondering why no one is talking about the fact that the oil companies all support this as it has additional subsidies and tax breaks for them written into the proposal. Easy to pick on welfare and the old but by all means don't touch our corporations as they are people to.
2014 GD Reflection 303RLS
2001 Silverado 3500, 6.0L/4L80e

Hot dog........ another political thread.
Haven't read so much non sense before political threads/name calling were thankfully banned.

Amazing how some folks didn't read the article or make personnel slams on other replies such as the below sea level comment.
"good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment" ............ Will Rogers

'03 2500 QC Dodge/Cummins HO 3.73 6 speed manual Jacobs Westach
'97 Park Avanue 28' 5er 11200 two slides

Explorer II
Explorer II
FWIW, I wonder when diesel fuel prices will finally swamp out the additional mileage that diesel provides over gas? It looks like the politicians are working on it.
2005 E450 Itasca 24V Class C

Llmk100 wrote:
Yep, quit driving completely and live on food stamps and welfare like you!

Interesting comment it appears that it could be directed at me for the statements I made.
Just to let you know, I am retired from one career, starting a second, I have never accepted welfare(but don't have a problem with those who legitimately collect), Never gotten food stamps but it is a great program, it is proven to have the least fraud of nearly any government program. (Look it up.)

Here is my take on the proposed .06 tax increase (per year) 2 years.

If you drive your RV 15000 miles and get 10 MPG the total cost will be $90.00, per year. 7.50 per month. or 1.75 per week. Pretty cheap increase for all the benefits it will provide to workers and drivers.

That is probably less than you are spending on TEA BAGS!

Have a great day

Llmk100 wrote:
Yep, quit driving completely and live on food stamps and welfare like you!

How does that Cyndi Lauper song go?

Oh right!
"...........I see your true colours........"
Have a good life.

Yep, quit driving completely and live on food stamps and welfare like you!

bgum wrote:
People who count Social Security and Medicare in the budget are really funny.

You see Social Security and Medicare are paid for out of the Social Security TRUST FUNDS. Those trust funds were saved thru the Social Security taxes paid by working Americans. While military expenditures, welfare, Medicaid, foriegn aid, etc. is paid for out of income taxes. So to count Social Security and Medicare as part of the yearly budget is a falsehood. The 46% SS and Medicare costs is paid by SS and Medicare's trust fund. No other budget item pays for itself. Wake up people. That is why some are pushing for them to be off budget. If so they would not be 46% of the yearly budget and that would show that the military budget is really a much higher percentage of the real yearly budget.

Do not forget there were many items paid for with the Social Security Trust Fund that did not have anything remotely related to Social Security or Medicare. If the money spent from the Social Security Trust Fund had been spent only on Social Security and Medicare there would be no issue with the Social Security Trust Fund.

bgum wrote:
$643 Billion in 2013 for the military complex. Just think of all the positive things we could have done with that money. We got into this mess with weapons of mass destruction that were never found. 4500 lives lost for something that didn't exist and 24000 injured. My grandchildren will be paying for that lie when they die of old age. 19% for military and 6% for debt (which we wouldn't have if we cut military spending. That my friend is 1/4 of all our money. 25% of all the taxes I pay.

$643 Billion with a B

By the way I didn't know Port Charlotte was 5ft below sea level. We sure are not.
Or, maybe people could become a little more responsible for themselves and we could cut out some of the 75% that doesn't provide for the security of our country. Countries that have inadequate military and no means of protecting themselves have a long history of having very short existences. Yes, 4500 American lives were lost in the Iraq war, but 10s of millions were lost in WWII when the world turned a blind eye to a country with a fanatical leader who was rumored to be building up the destructive power of his military. Ask the Kurds if Saddam had any weapons of mass destruction, many of them will give you a first hand account of what it is like to be attacked by Non-existent Iraqi poison gas.