As an owner of a
Former Rental I have noticed that too,but mostly from only one of the major rental companies,although I have seen it from both.
I like to talk to them too and offer tips and any help that I can,they are mostly from foreign lands and it is interesting to hear about their adventures.
It may have to do with the
Instructional Video and walk thru orientation that El Monte RV has,in it at about 11:23 it shows how to do it with the included ramps and bubble level that are provided with the rental,mine were included with the sale.
The video for the other company just says to park on level ground.
They both have the videos in many languages.
I was surprised on my last trip to the PNW how many private RVs,TTs and Motorhomes were not level on my walks thru the campgrounds,they must not be members of the Forum...:B
One person I talked to said he was told by a friend that it wasn't anything to worry about, that the
Freon in his Dometic Refrigerator,exactly like mine,did not have that problem. :S