HELP! My RV has a very unique odor that doesn't smell like anything in particular, although it is still offensive...but it permeates everything evenly... Even inside the cabinets. I've been trying to get rid of it for weeks now. It hasn't gotten stronger and it hasn't waned. I have several problems here that could be contributing to this odor.
***It sat all summer long with a partially full black tank in the Tennessee heat... And partially full grey tank.*** It turns out he has never sanitized any of the tanks in the 2 years we have had it.
At first, I gave happy camper a good chance to do it's thing. I've aired it out & also closed it up with dehumidifier. Recently I used the 2 step Thetford system and cleaned and sanitized both the freshwater and Gray water tanks. My ex says he cleaned the black water tank thoroughly, especially around the flapper and got rid of crusty stuff. He put the wand down there and cleaned it really well supposedly... But the smell really isn't coming from the toilet anyway. (I will be living in it full time and am moving the camper to a year long campsite this weekend. I have purchased the happy camper cleaner, Which I will put into the tank right before we move it so it can agitate.)
I am flushing the hot water heater today, but it does not have an anode rod.
No matter what odor killer I use, it doesn't make any difference.