By the way Lwiddis, our esteemed California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly admitted last week that the state isn't actually relying on any data to support their closures and that there is no industry-specific breakdown on transmissions in different environments (indoor dining, outdoor dining, parks, beaches, mountains, grocery stores, or even RV parks & campgrounds).
Inquiring about spending the night in Bakersfield does not make aerbus32 the new face of Al Qaeda. He's just a man who wants to pull over for the night. I don't think he needs your permission for this. And I don't think I need your permission to bring up these recent court decisions.
I'm pretty sure you don't live in Lone Pine, Lwiddis, so surely you understand the realities of moving from Point A to Point B without the benefit of transporter beams. Presumably you stopped someplace for gas and maybe even groceries. But nobody is brow beating you for this (yet).