just me wrote:
Redsky wrote:
We really love having people in Utah helping us in California - NOT. Are you really that bored that you have to start a rant about something happening many hundreds of miles away?
Many people use the city streets as their own personal parking lot and I am glad when the local officials enforce the ordinances. Unfortunate that some people are so lacking in consideration that the ordinances are needed in the first place.
Anyone who thinks this applies only to California is extremely uninformed and naive. Time maybe to get out more.
I for one hate living in California and having the ocean with free beaches 10 minutes from my house. It is awful. Even worse with the weather being bright and sunny and 71 degrees. Not sure I can survive this much longer.
I apologize if I stepped on someone's toes. But this does not give you the right to come back at me the way you did.
I posted to bring this situation to light as I did on other forums I belong to, thats of concern to our freedoms.(forgot California does not have freedoms) Your right, area should have been ZIP, But the best of it is IT got your attention, thanks for that. As in my area (surrounding locations) and yours, alot of people are not informed as to the happenings of the governments new proposed regulation and how it effects us all.
(Enjoy your Smog and dry rain free weather you forgot to list that to.)
Again you failed to research the topic! Los Angeles has less smog than Salt Lake! Also So. Ca. is desert, we don't shovel snow & camp year around!