What happened was the super soaker style, or the once every 200 years type of rain if you will.
If you are approaching or plan on approaching or passing through southeastern metro detroit (including suburbs), I would make new plans at least for the next few days. Up north appears to be ok, as well as the west side of the state, but anywhere near the detroit burb area is trashed.
The bridge that connects 696 to 75 that goes over 75 had water up to the bottom of it last night and still this morning...14 feet 8 inchs of it. We are hearing that this was the case in most major intersections and the bigger problem is after the water recedes, everything will have to be inspected and repaired if necessary before you can use it again.
I would also be careful about buying a used vehicle in this area from anyplace even slightly questionable, I would guess there are a couple thousand cars that are trashed in some way. Hundreds at least buried under water, care abandoned last night all over the place.