Great memories! Thanks for sharing. I too remember those small town days. 5 cent burgers, ten cent gasoline and for very special occasions a trip to the airport to watch the planes takeoff and land. Good times.
down home wrote:
Wife was raised out in the real country. Dirt roads, one room school houses and so on. ON Saturdays her Dad would buy a stick of bologna and hunk of cheese and crackers and bread.
They went to town on Saturdays and parked on side streets and watched all the traffic and and goings. Not necessarily watching people, just the hub bub of small town America. Lots of life going on back then with ten cent stores, Pennys, Sears and Roebucks, western Auto and countless others and all the small diners and city hall and so on. Seems kinda Beverly Hillbillies now.
People just went to town like them and walked all over, as did a whole lot more people, than many malls. A dollar bought everybody a hamburger.
I walked to town with Grand Ma or when in school with MOm and Dad, in city. At Grand Ma's I walked to town and sat in front of the Home Store with and Ornage Crush with bits of orange and ice in it and a big ole yellow moon pie. Ten cent for both. If the one or two cars in the county came by watched them, and listened to the old timers telling tales, whittling and trying to get my goat or any youngster that came along. As for watching people tried counting the dozen or so in town.