Another test is MPG.
(Fuel burn isn’t just $, it’s an indicator of mechanical & tire problems. A window. 10% increase means SOMETHING IS WRONG. You MUST have a NUMERICAL baseline for diagnosis).
Versus the solo TV (same load & passenger weight as for extended camping trip), the towing penalty is 40% in steady-state. 1971 or 2021 makes no difference at all. It’s an aero problem.
Anything higher, it’s work-time to identify and fix the problem or problems. In both vehicles it’s usually alignment or brake drag, first (after conformation of TV steer axle weight being same solo or hitched).
Take another weekend to test. Head out of town 45-60 miles to get warm-up completed (tires take longer) and use CAT SCALE to verify settings. Drop trailer. (Early in the day is less traffic).
Solo, drive a 200/mile loop (more gallons burned = more accurate) all on cruise control back to same highway filling station. As with initial stop, just fill tank to auto-shutoff.
Then the same loop while hitched. Do turn-around at the same empty crossover.
62-mph. Let traffic flow around you. (Lights on). Never use brakes, accelerate or change lanes.
Your teenage daughter can be the driver both times as WHO is driving isn’t relevant. (Let the TV run the drivetrain, “driver” only there to steer.)
A true aero TT will be under 40% change. A badly designed TT (interior layout plus slides) will be somewhat worse. 50% plus is unacceptable.
Exact numbers don’t matter, that was baked-in at purchase (bought mine with this as a priority; 15-mpg average in a 62’ combined rig). With both vehicles you now have the TRUE high mpg numbers,. (Last test would be TV solo. Scaled; driver only plus truly permanent gear aboard ONLY; same route & speed, etc),
The test was for the EXACT percentage change, solo to hitched. (And curb weight MPG test).