Forum Discussion

Camper_Jeff___K's avatar
Feb 15, 2025

Firestone Airbag Lift Spacers

Firestone Airbag lift Spacers Project

After installing heavier springs on the rear axle, the Firestone Air Bags no longer sat on the spring, but had about an inch and a quarter space between them. I fabricated 2 inch square tubing with 1/4" thick walls. I also had to make bottom plates to make the bolted connection to the spring pack. I needed 7" bolts but the hardware store only had grade 5 bolts in stock so I went with those. The air bags now make proper contact with the springs and lift and level the TC better. I also like that the air bags provide a third center support on the frame along with the front and rear shackle. I also installed new U-Joints. Next up will be shock absorbers.

  • And fwiw the “third” support is not necessarily a bonus as frames designed for 2 points of contact. Doesn’t hurt because obviously we’ve all been doing it for a long time however it is not a better solution when it comes to frames stress

    • Camper_Jeff___K's avatar
      Nomad III

      It doesn't need to be a perfect solution, it is a solution that helps in a couple ways, intended or unintended. Intended is to help suppord the weight of the load. Leveling or trimming the ride is another atribute airbags achieve.  It is also obvious they mount to the axle which is directly connected to the ground through the tires. That gives the airbags a seperate load path direct to ground becoming a third independent point of support. Since they are airbags riding on the tires, it is also a dampened load point due to the airbags themselves and the tires. The airbags are independent of the springs and shackles.

  • prefabricated spaces are only like $25/ea. 

    I can still see a minor need for bags even with those beefed up springs but if you’re taking out all the sag it’s now a bouncy house on wheels. I couldn’t see any need with 8800lb springs and your load.  But like you I’d keep em if I had them already  for minor corrections  


    • Camper_Jeff___K's avatar
      Nomad III

      The firestone support extensions are

      1-1/4 to 1-1/2 height. Mine are 2" height.

      Firestone's are U shape with one hole for the bolt. The problem I experienced is the bolt shifts around and works itself lose and has bent. Several times the bottom bracket falls off as the nuts work lose and fall off regardless of locktight, double nuts. Never tried nylock nuts or crushed nuts. 

      My 2" square metal lift brackets have two holes and hold the bolt straight and steady. I have not noticed the double nuts trying to work lose yet. I think the box with 2 holes hold the bolt straight and steady lessening the action that made the bolts work lose. The taller profile puts the airbags in a more desirable position too. The metel was free scrap. All I had to do was cut, deburr, drill myself, saving some bucks.

      So far, they are working great!

  • did you still need the airbags at that point?  to me the best suspension is one you build good enough you don't need air bags, and yes I did use them on my 98 f150 with my old pull behind trailer.  changed to timberins threw the airbags in a corner of the garage and never looked back.  I should dig them out and put them on the buy and sell one of these days.  

    • Camper_Jeff___K's avatar
      Nomad III

      I use the airbags to trim and level the truck and camper. The new rear springs are 6+1 leaf's, and rated 4400# each. The front springs were sagging so I replaced them with 3 leaf springs. After the new front leafs were installed, unloaded, the truck unloaded, sat 42" high at all 4 corners measured from the ground, to the wheel well center above the axles.  The camper weight lowers the rear a couple inches and the airbags can now bring the truck carrying the camper back to level.

      • StirCrazy's avatar

        I am confused a bit, are you making it level or are you bringing it back to the empty hight, and if the latter was that level or a little high in the back like trucks should sit so they are level when they have the load on?