Thanks for the long, thoughtful post! I consider myself to be a pretty good and safe driver. I have not been in an accident since I was a teenager back in the 90's. It wasn't until I started riding a motorcycle in my early 20's that I really learned how to drive defensively, but it carried over to my regular driving as well. To the point that even when driving my truck, I get annoyed when people pace me in my blind spot when they have plenty of space forward or aft , not to mention the fact they are clogging up the fast lane. So while I'm not very experienced with pulling such a heavy load, my defensive driving is way ahead of most others on the road. The fact that I even came here seeking advice should tell you, and others, that safety is a top concern of mine.
I can't revert my truck lift and trying to buy a new truck proved difficult given the current supply chain issues. On the other hand, I live in Arizona and like my 4 wheel drive with kiddie tires and lifted it accordingly. I also knew that I wanted to tow a travel trailer, so I didn't want to go to extreme height either. I can't afford both a truck and a dedicated 4x4 vehicle. Nonetheless, I have towed the trailer and it feels pretty solid (not that I have much of a baseline to compare to). Even in wind I haven't experienced any sway and steering/control don't really feel all that different to me. Big RV's and trucks passing me in either direction on a 2 lane highway have no effect whatsoever. I don't even feel it. I will say the braking distance is a bit longer so I have to start braking earlier than I normally would. Also, the truck is a lot stiffer under the load and we can really feel the bumps a lot more. I assume this is to be expected.
I'm not sure what booster shots or face diapers have to do with anything, other than maybe it relates to risk management and public safety in general, similar to driving? It seems off topic overall, though.
Thanks again for your thoughtful reply!