ApexAZ wrote:
Yes. There are two hoses. The leak is dripping from one of them. I honestly didn't spend a lot of time looking at it, but the hose is clamped to a plastic fitting and it appears to be leaking at that connection. It didn't feel loose really, but maybe the clamp needs to be tightened down and/or more sealant applied.
By the way, are furnaces typically propane only, or can they be run off electric when connected to shore power? The fridge does this, but unsure if the furnace will too. Also, the furnace just seems to be sitting loose in it's cubby. Are they supposed to be bolted down? I was kinda surprised to find that it's just sitting on the floor not fastened to anything.
Yes mine was the clamp on the supply line to the fitting. Crimped clamp, cut it off and put another hose clamp on it.
Furnace is propane only (and 12V to run the fan).
It should be secured. Mine is, but the power center (breaker panel/converter) was just flopping around, as was the stereo.