mgirardo wrote:
I guess if there is a long patch of leaves spanning many, many feet it could be a problem. In all my years of driving, I've never heard of someone getting into an accident because they couldn't stop their car on wet leaves.
I have heard of people getting into an accident (not automobile) just walking out their door and slipping on wet leaves and EMS needed to be called.. But then my phone number was 9-1-1.
As I posted earlier: I locked 'em up on wet leaves, the only thing that prevented me from crashing was that I was in a traffic jam and was barley moving, but I still went into a 4 wheel skid.. Every educational under the conditions. But Yes, they are dangerous.. Ever since that day I've been very careful on wet leaves. Slippery as ice.
Oh, I might add it does not take that long a stretch, A short patch can send you slightly sideways, throw off your driving and cause a major disaster.