Don't know if you can do this where you live but I also had one drum running hotter than others, by about 15 degrees hotter using a temp gun. Rest area near me is just a little bit up hill when exiting. Took RV out for 1 hour drive and then coasted into rest area as nobody was behind me(again up hill) and then applied parking brake on tow vehicle to make final stop. Sort of idled to a stop. Took the temps and drum was not running hotter than others. My conclusion was most likely the drum was being heated up by the brakes not adjusted right and not the bearing. Backed off adjustment about 3 clicks and solved my problems. But there are other reason why temps might be up. IMO out of adjustment brakes and your bearings are most common reason for heat. Doing the above might help you isolate the problem if your service places jerks you around.