Hi Art,
If you have not done so already, I urge you to read and study
this hitch setup thread which is stuck at the top of this forum. There is a great deal of information there on the Dual Cam hitch that will help you.
Probably no need for the air bags as the WD hitch will do that job for you. They will come in handy if you carry a heavy load in the bed without using the WD hitch. They will complicate the WD setup if you try using them with the WD hitch.
If you have the round bar hitch, you need to tilt the hitch head back towards the trailer some more in order to get the bars parallel with the frame. You may have to add another link or so under tension as this will make more weight transfer to the front axle of your truck, depending on how much more you tilt the head.
With a round bar hitch and a normal 6 inch A frame you should have a minimum of 5 links under tension and then adjust the amount of weight transfer by tilting the hitch head. You need a minimum of 5 links under t4nsion between the bars and the snap-up hook.
If you have a trunnion style hitch, then you still need a minimum of 5 links under tension but the bars should point downward slightly at the rear instead of being level. They should never point up at the rear with either style of hitch.