agillings wrote:
Thanks Ron
Before I do you reccomendations, do I have the right size spring bars?
The Tag on the bar reads:
550 weight Dist
10,000 Max Gross Trailer weight
550 Max Hitch Weight
Art, I found online sources which indicate your trailer has an empty weight of 5300# and a GVWR of 7100#.
If these values are in the right ballpark, the TT's loaded weight might be in the range of 6000-7000# depending on how much stuff your carry.
The corresponding tongue weight might be 700-900#.
Your 550# bars probably do not have enough capacity.
If you end up loading your trailer to around 6500#, Reese's 800# bars would be a good choice, IMO.
Depending on how much load is carried in the TV, it looks as though the TT's tongue weight might cause the TV's GVW to get close to the TV's GVWR, so it would be a good idea to load the TV and TT as they would be loaded for camping and measure all the axle loads.