agillings wrote:
Ron one additional question. I also have a bags in the rear. I need to know how these shoulds fit into the over all setup. Do I inflate these to make the truck level with the trailer attached? Or should I set up the WDH and then use the air bags to level it all out?
IMO, it's not necessary to use the air bags to make the truck level.
However, if you want to use air bags to improve the ride or just to make the truck look better, you should add air to the bags prior to adjusting the WDH.
You might need to use trial and error to find out how much air pressure is needed in the bags to make the rear of the truck sit at the desired height.
The important thing is to adjust the hitch to return the truck's front end to the desired height/load.
If you change the air bag pressure after adjusting the WDH, you will change the amount of load transfer.