Our dog has been viciously attacked by an off-leash dog at our CG (membership RV park). He does not know how to defend himself but fortunately the owner was able to get his dog under control quickly enough. A co-worker of DW had his family jewels chomped by an off-leash dog and bad enough to have to get stitches. Cops attended but the Canadian owners high-tailed it back to Canada with the cops in pursuit. Both incidents in the same CG (our membership CG) in the same season and we think it may have been the same bulldog. This CG has dog rules but they refuse to enforce them, put signage up or remind people when they sign in. Our dog is now skittish at the CG when we walk him there.
We have no respect for anyone who isn't responsible enough to keep their dog on a leash. We won't hesitate to report it and won't hesitate to call the cops if needed. We carry bear spray with us (attached to leash). I'm almost tempted to carry a big stick sometimes. Could easily be a small child that gets attacked too.