It just takes one group to ruin it for everyone.
My point exactly... When people sit cowering to avoid an "awkward situation" rather than standing up for themselves they "ruin it for everyone" else that has to meet the insufferable prigs in the future.
It's funny, but the people who most often complain about the erosion of standards and civility are the ones that turn away when something really should be done.
I agree about 99% of the time. The 1% is if that "revenge" makes a situation confrontational.
Firstly, since you quoted me, I feel the need to point out that I have not suggested revenge as a solution but rather making a simple request to the "offenders" that they continue to enjoy their life but simply at a lower decibel level.
That aside, I'm at a loss trying to understand how, with 6+ billion people on the planet, anyone can seriously think they can weave their way through life without "confrontation". Confrontation is what keeps those who may not respect other people somewhat "in check". The concept comes in big and small versions. Chamberlain signed a sexy little pact with Adolph H in the late 30's in an attempt to avoid confrontation. His weakness allowed WWII to start. Like it or not Obama just gave a somewhat nutty nation a clear and quick path to a nuclear weapon. How will that end? We could look back to Chamberlain to get a clue...
Learn and understand history or repeat it's failures.
The "small version":-
Let people walk all over you and they will bring an entire army of their friends to trample on your life both camping and at home. I'm not big on the "I have rights" whine we hear all too much nowadays, but there are some I demand. One of them is just the slightest modicum of respect - the same modicum I grant everyone until they prove it was undeserved.
I have a funny feeling I'm going to be told how wrong I am... I have a feeling the person informing of such lists "knitting yoghurt" as one of their interests on job applications... ;-)