Forum Discussion

boingram's avatar
Mar 22, 2015

road atlas

Hi all...just purchased 39 foot fiver that is 13.6 feet tall. A little intimidated by size and height.
Is the rand mcnally laminated truckers atlas worth the 50 bucks on amazon.
  • I always use the laminated Rand McNally's. As mention, you can use a maker to route your route and erase it for the next trip.
  • I was surprised to find that Amazon is the high priced option for these. I got a laminated one at Loves at a cheaper price. The laminated version is way more durable and allows me to use a dry erase marker to plan out my routes.

  • We like the Rand McNally laminated Motor Carrier's Atlas. Laminated so when the coffe goes over I don't care as much. Used to buy them at truck stops but had to resort to Amazon this year as the truck stops we were at didn't have it in stock.
  • Someone told me about this trucker's website, but I've not used it yet though. Use the information tab for low clearance & other info for each state.
  • Seems like there are a few truckers atlas's ? Which one is considered the best (low clearences) ?
  • boingram wrote:
    Hi all...just purchased 39 foot fiver that is 13.6 feet tall. A little intimidated by size and height.
    Is the rand mcnally laminated truckers atlas worth the 50 bucks on amazon.

    I think the laminated one is well worth the money as it is spiral bound and lays flat open to whatever page you need. It also is impervious to rain and spills. This atlas should last for years. I destroy a paper one in about 6 months.
  • I purchase the Trucker's Atlas in laminated form from a truck stop about every 2 or 3 years. They don't change very much. I use it to double check states I am going through for low clearances and other local goofy laws. I still use my Rand RV GPS for regular travel needs also.

    Since this height issue keeps coming up in different posts, I will add just one more tip. Even if staying on interstates, don't think that you do not need to check ahead for low clearance issues. There could be areas where you exit the interstate and need to cross under it for getting fuel or something else. Sometimes due to heavy traffic or whatever you could be distracted in these areas and not realize you are crossing under an overpass that is only 13'2" tall. Check you route the night before using the Trucker's Atlas!
  • No just go to any truck stop and buy the paper version of the Motor Carriers Atlas, last I knew they were around $25. IMO I'd rather have the atlas to check bridge heights then the electronic GPS gizmo's that are not always that accurate.