edatlanta wrote:
I had a group of campers where I am hosting that didn't get adjoining sites and my site was between them vs walking around a corner in the road. Fortunately they left yesterday because they would walk through my site right across my ground mat unless I was outside. So they knew they shouldn't be doing it, but would if they thought I wasn't looking.
Yesterday morning I saw one of them coming carrying two cups of coffee. Now I'm supposed to be nice to campers at all times so I walked out in front of this guy and asked him if I could help him. He wouldn't make eye contact, but said "no". I then asked if he needed any directions since he was walking through my site vs the road. He declined this too as he was still walking - still no eye contact. I then said "well have a nice day". When he came back for more coffee for his remote group he walked around the road.
I would have reached for one of the cups of coffee and thanked him for bringing it to me.