SoundGuy wrote:
Veebyes wrote:
CG is virtually empty & in the trees so it is very dark.
I often run mine from dark to bedtime but turn them off when we turn in for the night. On a dark, moonless night it sure makes it a lot easier to find our camper when returning from visiting friends on another site. I even built a Trailer Light Dongle (4 pics) which also allows me to flash the running lights when backing on to our driveway from the street - much more obvious than flashing just the 4-ways. :B
likewise, more than once I've left the trailer before dark no flashlight, no cell phone with flashlight and ended up way after dark with no moon trying to find my way back to the trailer. I've now learned to put on the yellow door light at night till we are ready to go inside.
when your away from the city in the trees in the west or midwest and no moon, it is DARK. But no reason to have more than a few lights on till bedtime if your not at your trailer.