More into travel literature, RVing does not have to be the mode. I have some of the Basch/Slater and Moeller books, but have found the RVing part not psrticlarly important, what is more useful wiil be the travel adventure. So into road trip books, whether motorcycling, camping, RVing, hiding out int he back of a van, mode is not so important as the places seen, people met, customs observed and maybe adapted to.
Start with "Travels With Charlie" because the author is a superb writer. I keep reading his "Iberia" taking me back to the Iberia I visited, over and over, half century later.
To the point of the question, I think RVers just don't represent a big enough market that publishers want to target them with a special RV adventure literature. If the publishers aren't interested, doesn't matter how many writers might be active. EBooks will change that.