Mr Steve, The man had a wife, two daughters and grand children. From experience, the pain they are feeling is almost unbearable. You are quite down on the obese, but what say you to genetics, Many people die, not becuase they were fat or lived an unhealthy life, they had poor genetics, they just got dealt a bad hand. My wife of 45 years died 6 months ago, from a massive heart attack, she did not smoke, drink' exercised regularly' was not overweight and took care of herself. In your view would she then not be entitled to treatment?
or how about the disabled, and those born with birth defects, are they disposable?
My hope sir, is you never experience true loss, that you never know the pain it brings. But I can guarntee this, if you do, you will change your tune. And I would guess just have a little bit more empathy
My post is not an argument for or against opening the economy, I can see it from both sides. My own business is down 70% so I get it. What I am saying is these deaths are not just numbers, these are good people with wife's, children and grand kids, I think a little compassion would go a long way on all our parts