There has been a lot of discussion over the years concerning that type of filter in several RV forums. The consensus of opinion seems to be that they are snake oil. No one has produced a properly designed independent study that indicates that they work that I have seen.
I would not buy one.
I do use a salt regeneration type.I have the
FloPure Mark 8000.
Cost is $240 and includes shipping. Regeneration is done with a box of common table salt.
It is similar to others like the "On-The-Go" water softener which is the one Camping World sells I believe.
Both are 8000 grain units which means they will last longer without requiring regeneration. Some folks use "Water Sticks" but the biggest one of those I have seen is only 1500 grains.
In AZ where we spend most of the winter the water hardness is about 50 grains per gallon. That means that an 8000 grain unit will soften about 160 gallons before needing to be regenerated. Since we use about 13 gallons of water per day we have to regenerate every 12 days or so.
In another place we stay with a water hardness of 20 GPG, the softener will last about a month.
Clay (WA5NMR), Lee (Wife), Katie & Kelli (cats) Salli (dog).
Fixed domicile after 1 year of snowbirding and eleven years Full Timing in a 2004 Winnebago Sightseer 35N, Workhorse chassis, Honda Accord toad