safn1949 wrote:
That's very true on location,it is twice as much in Rochester then Mankato MN. What I had was a $4000 deductible, then 100% paid from there on to $5,000,000.I reckon I need to be buried long before 5 mil.
It can happen in the blink of an eye, my friend. You never know when you might get sick. You could get in your car tomorrow, get in an accident, and suffer a traumatic brain injury. You could have a stroke. You could be diagnosed with cancer.
There are young children in this country who have racked up $2 million hospital bills because of their conditions.
Before Obamacare, that sometimes meant those children were hitting their "lifetime caps," something that is no longer allowed, by the time they were six years old.
They could literally be denied coverage at six years old because they had an illness that caused them to rack up too much in hospital bills.
I'm a parent and I don't think ANYONE'S sick child should be denied coverage because an insurance company or a government wants to make more money.