The day before departing on a two week trip with the trailer I am ready at 11:00 A.M. with trailer hooked up and loaded to go.
So, that after noon when it starts to cool off I decide to install some roll down shades on the truck side windows since the first day will be crossing the dessert of Nevada.
To install the shades I need to roll the windows down and inch or so, so insert key into ignition turn it one click.
Then something distracted me and I locked up the truck and went back into the house.
The next morning I can not find my truck keys. Use my Wife's set to unlock the truck.
Yup, key was still in ignition and the battery is dead. So much for a Sears Die Hard battery. Did I mention that we were scheduled to depart on a trip? :E
So, I have my Son pull his car up in front of the truck and we do a jump start.
Then we were on our way. The good thing about this little adventure was that the Wife was in the house and did not see us preforming the jump start.